Services: Brand Strategy, Brand Tone & Voice, Logo Development, Art Direction, Visual Identity, Style Guide, Collateral, ID Package, Email Marketing, Promotional Material, Retail Signage
Under hundreds of feet of tarp, scaffolding, and decades of debris, we uncovered Atlanta’s premier landmark, and created a brand for the Curio Collection of Hilton Hotels named The Candler Hotel. Built decades ago by Coca-Cola founder, Asa Candler as office and bank space, we created a contemporary brand that time traveled from its original legacy built in 1904-06.
Our work on this project started with extensive research, rummaging through archives, Q&A with a local historian, and countless hours of research. From crafting the brand story to creating the logo and designing every detail to reflect the imperial character of the hotel, our success was driven by creating an authentic brand and inspiring discovery through every design detail.